If we’re all in a room together and we laugh together, 
we’re temporarily in agreement.
 We’ve also sounded-out our thinking. We make
a noise that shows what we’re thinking, so
laughing together is a way of thinking together.
Just as dancing together at a wedding is a
way of thinking together, or walking together
through a field is a way of thinking together. It’s
immediately sociable and participatory. 
Gregg Whelan
Practising Participation
A conversation with Lone Twin
PerformanceResearch: A Journal of the Performing Arts (2011), 16:4

No one can work in a vacuum. Influences are very important, but just as important is how one uses them, and for that one needs time. A person can take only that part which must feed him and which is valuable for his work, which strengthens its growth.

Frantisek Tröster

Far from wanting to posses you in linking myself to you, I preserve a 'to', a safeguard of the in-direction between us – I Love to You, and not: I love you. This 'to' safeguards a place of transcendence between us, a place of respect which is both obligated and desired, a place of possible alliance.

For Irigaray the potential of the insertion of the word 'to' into the phrase 'I love you' making 'I love to you' suggest a new social order of relations between two, were both 'I' and 'you' are related as different subjects, rather than as subject and object. Prepositions possess a strong suggestive role, allowing us to think more specifically about how we construct and can change relationships between subjects and objects, and between people, places and things. As philosopher Michel Serres has observed, for such small words, prepositions have the potential to change everything around them.

Luce Irigaray and Jane Rendell in Jane Rendell (2010), Art and Architecture. A place between. pp. 150-151

What begins as undifferentiated space becomes place as we get to know it better and endow it with value. (...) The ideas ‘space’ and ‘place’ require each other for definition. From the security and stability of place we are aware of the openness, the freedom, and threat of space, and vice versa. Furthermore, if we think of space as that which allows movement, then place is pause; each pause in movement makes it possible for location to be transformed into place.
Yi-Fu Tuan, in Cresswell Place: a short introduction, 2004:8

In cyberspace, everybody is a performer,
and there is room for all

because there are no rooms.

Alice Rayner, E-scapes: Performance in The Time of Cyberspace

The amount of time it took me to purchase a $25 waffle iron makes complete sense in the scope of my personality. I get anxious about making good decisions and wise choices. I try not to waste or have things I don't need or use. If you allow them too, and I regret that I do, little decisions can become big ones getting you caught in the rip current of yes or no, pros and cons, risk vs. gain. I find myself in that current by default - like part of my hard wiring. I swim straight into worry when I could so easily swim around it in the calm, lapping water on the periphery of this angst. Life just happens and mistakes are made. The worry doesn't protect from those truths, it just makes them a bigger deal than they need to be. Ah, yea, I'm not just referring to waffle iron purchases anymore.