"Jonathan's vulnerability was as apparent as an opencast mine, barely hidden by his sense of the bizarre - a quality that made him, in Helen's eyes at least, so attractive. Carlotta, in one of her more extraordinary analyses, said he was incapable of thinking, that this was a process that never took place in his handsome, Pompeian head, with its expression of gentle, ironic humour. But Helen found this statement grotesquely exaggerated. She saw a lot of thought in what he did - not cerebral thought, but feeling thought, if one can so define it, which was born not simply of a desire for success but from a poetic vision and a need to understand and comment on the world. Jonathan's thought processes came of the combustion that seized him when he suddenly saw something unusual, beyond the normally visible. Carlotta's thinking was never of this sort."

Angelica Garnett, The Unspoken Truth

1 comment:

  1. 'Jonathan's thought processes came of the combustion that seized him when he suddenly saw something unusual, beyond the normally visible.'

    So beautifully written!
